Sunday, August 21, 2011

A MOST "Unexpected Guest"

Just when you think you have seen it all...quite literally, "out comes a most wonderful surprise"...note the "drain hole" in the Community Gardens piece...and how it becomes suddenly "animated"...this is too much

Can you BELIEVE this sweet little thing?  Here's the BEST part...some representatives from Union Pacific Railroad were visiting this day...and were they ever "smitten" by this guy...looks like something right out of Coney Island, doesn't it?  This was NOT "Staged" and no small terriers were harmed in the photographing of this blog...

Our first Mother / Daughter team!
Sherry and Jen stopped in and whipped through the title piece of this panel in no time.  Once again, I think these people had a better time than they might want to admit...

...and let us never, but NEVER forget Porschia...this gal never fails to "show up unexpectedly" just when I need her most...I have to say, we wouldn't have gotten a piece together for you tonight, without her efforts...Thanks again, my friend 
 Liz and Bob returned as well, and threw all they had into making tremendous headway into a most difficult panel.  As the one who had to do the portraits on this piece, I can never thank them enough for their kindness in allowing me time and space to "concentrate" while they forged ahead with the rest of the panel... here it is (in progress) a tribute to the many "annual celebrations" sponsored by the City...while we were working on these two panels, oddly enough, a number of these festivals were actually taking place!  Talk about timing?!?!

Just a closer view of the "completed" half of this particular tribute...
Thank much my friends, for your continued love, encouragement and support...but seriously, wasn't it worth logging in just to see that crazy little pup with her head in that drain-hole?

1 comment:

  1. As gorgeous as ever! Beautiful panels, wonderful people, incredible artist. The lad was enraptured with the dog in the flower pic. I think he was trying to figure it out. Continued blessings as you reach your conclusion... PIMof3
