Sunday, August 7, 2011

...aaaaannnd - we're BACK!

Perhaps I need therapy ( it HAS been suggested) but alas, I DO believe that I have been "Wall-sick" i.e. longing for the Wall...
(it really IS a terrific place to "Be") - but we're back, the paint is NOT dried out and we actually applied quite a bit this past week - check it out!
Both Sherry and Liz were able to get out to Jackson this week and both contributed an enormous amount of creative effort. (Here we see Liz doing a bit of "detail work" to the main Library piece) is the finished panel - note that it sports Hayward's designation as a "Tree City USA"

I decided to place the note here, as the Library has the most wonderful "collection" of trees on it's grounds...check it out (pardon the pun) for yourself sometime - they are quite uniquely beautiful in their own right-

....then of course, there is the ever-important "Transition" into the next panel (remember, we're working backwards here on Jackson...)  Wait, didn't ya'll know this?  We started at the end of the Wall and have been working towards the "Beginning" since last November!  Perhaps NOW you understand my mental "slippage" every now and again...?  I can't believe I never mentioned that this entire Project has been constructed "backwards"'s either cool or crazy - YOU decide....
<>  <> 
And here is what I've been working on for the past two days myself.  Hayward's Community Gardens is the most surreally (word?) beautiful place....seriously.  A few more hours and you will have the finished piece - depicting but a smattering of the "memorable" scenes I experienced while walking and photographing these 5 acres of Urban Farmage.  It is stunning to say the least.  If you haven't paid a visit, do so NOW...not to be missed-
- as always, my thanks for your patience and ever-present support wherever you are...I'm feelin' it and so is this most awesome band of volunteers...say, if you're not busy some afternoon....why don't you swing by and...
 JOIN IN?  Love to have you.


  1. So glad you are back! I have been missing these Wall updates since I can't be there in person to pick up a paintbrush. The library is lovely. Glad things are moving along! PIMof3

  2. I like her creativity painting collections. each and every pictures are awesome collections. It's great stuff.
