Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Bounty of Birds!!!

ATTENTION "WALL-WATCHERS!"  We have completed panels 38, 39 and 40!  Gotta paint more birds if they're just gonna "fly by" like this!  WOW!  another 540 sq. ft. of beautiful color and all of it at the hands of the most wonderful volunteers...followed by our friends at the City of Hayward who are so vigilant at getting them so readily "sealed"...couldn't ask for more in THIS gal's Easter Basket!

A most lovely Spring and Best wishes as I send truly heart-felt "Thanks" for your continued support and encouragement.  We still have 23 panels yet to complete so stay with US!  Heck,  come JOIN US!!!! (trust me, I have PLENTY of paint brushes)
 These 3 panels were each at the request of folks who either read about and/or saw the Wall as it has been evolving over the last 6 months....personally, I do believe they shared a few lovely ideas - keep' em coming! (above: the Hayward Hills with Goldfinches - below: Anna's Hummingbirds with even kept watch while we painted this panel - TRUTH!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Micro-Climates" drive me nuts!

Rain?  Sun? Drizzle? All three in one day???  It's amazing, it's maddening, but we had it all this past week and oddly enough still have something to show for it!
 The "Finished Product" for the Hayward Recycling Program...why do the "simple panels" take SO long?

Two good friends gave a "day-off" to wet some brushes & throw a little paint with us this past Thursday and I couldn't be more grateful for both the time and talent! ( Man, but do I have the best team EVER).  A most sincere Thank You  to both Sherry and Stacy-(rumor has it that they actually enjoyed themselves too!)  Not pictured, but productively "present" this session, were Matt, Willard, Jack and Osea...THANK YOU GENTLEMEN!

 Panel #37 is FINALLY  "complete" (sigh).  Guess I got a little carried away with this one.  The Children's Playground at Kennedy Park, featuring three kids flying about on, what else?  Paintbrushes!

Below, Bob and Liz (Vounteers Extrordinaire)
along with Sherry, get serious with panel #'s 38 & 39.  This 2-panel piece will feature the Hayward Hills being swept across by a small "flock" of Goldfinches.  (and look at that beautiful blue sky...)
Stay tuned Wall-Watchers...THIS one has every ear-mark of "Awesome"-

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Remarkable Week

There's simply too much to share about this past week....New Volunteers, and those who are there each & every day we need them...Weed Abatement with "Muscle"....and the passing of friends made along the way...all added up to one VERY interesting few days at the tracks.  My thanks, as always to each and every one of you.  The hard work, willingness to do "what needs to be done" and compassion for those who call this place "home".  It is nothing short of an honor to be in the company of such a truly fine group of people.
So...  We were having a little bit of trouble with some rather powerfully prolific "weeds"...long story short - someone called the City and the rest, as they say, is "history" (wouldn't mind having one of these myself, but it won't fit in the garden shed)
So then, back to the Wall.  #35 was finally completed, featuring Hayward's local Newspaper, The Daily Review...while the team
 had their hands full with panel #36 - taking note of  our City's Recycling Program.  Thanks Liz, Sherry, Willard and Jack!  Matt and Bob were busy with clearing ivy and leveling uneven surfaces for #'s 37, 38 & 39 . (as of this posting, #37 is 1/2 complete)
 So a few "finishing touches" and #36 will be ready to take it's place in line.

Have a great week & keep those brushes clean!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Let the Sun Shine - Let the Sun shine IN!

Wow....18 days of rain...and no Ark?  Crazy-making times they were, but when the Sun finally re-appeared, so did the "crew" (get this - I have a "crew"....gotta love it-)  We tried to get three new panels finished for you, but had to settle for 2  1/ worries...we don't "settle" for long-
"Jonathan"...a ring-billed seagull with a 26' wingspan...(even I was surprised by how well he came into being-)
guess the Spirit of Richard Bach was hangin' out with me on St. Patrick's day

These little(?) paper airplanes are jettisoning off from Hayward's local newspaper, The Daily Review...(that's the panel I just couldn't quite(sadly) finish today...oh and hey...Matt- Thanks again for the prototype!

SO CLOSE!  another 2 hours....sigh.  NEXT WEEK!

(The Ark pulled up and there they were!) the by - anybody know what a "cubit" is?

Ginny, Carol, Liz, Matt, Sherry, Carmel, Mark, Bob and Willard...


We're working on panel #35 at present and there's no denying the  fact that we wouldn't be anywhere NEAR this marker without this dedicated and remarkably determined lot.

you have my heart.