Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's all about the Volunteers-

What a week. So much to do and yet so few panels left to does this happen? Suffice it to say, now that we are "visibly" on Jackson, we're getting more and more requests/ideas for "Special Places" in Hayward. Re-designs, and a lot of Re-thinking later, I think we're on our way...however, "process" often "impedes"

My brother Randy drives up from Ventura for two days of scraping and re-surfacing the last three panels...what a guy.  No complaints...a few commentaries upon whom I share the streets with, but hey, he's my big brother.

Tony, pictured right...this guy...
What can I say?  He keeps me safe from my own naivete and takes care of our work, panel by panel...making sure that there are 2 coats of a protective sealant following us as we move along...(personally, this really helps me sleep at night)  Tony...One in a Million...'nough said.
Melissa.  What can I say?  This gal showed up out of the blue on a precious day off and spent a good 6 hours with us...learning the painful truth of mural work:  "I've been here 6 hours and only have THIS to show for it?  It's impossible!"  Melissa, please know that your "only this" was a tremendous gift to the are just as amazing as your "amazement" of what it takes to pull all of this together...Hope to see you again? :)
Sherry was back with us once again! YEA Sherry!   Balancing two jobs and the commutes required, she still finds time to grab a water and a sunhat and take up a brush with about a Team-Player...Thank you my friend...

Bob (pictured left) finished off the LAST of the Primer (PUUULEASE note the wooden fence at Bob's left...yes, he is priming the last (first) panel of the mighty 68!), while Liz and Carol (Welcome BACK!) dove in with smaller brushes (and for several hours)

Osea and Seini returned (PLEASE note how well-dressed and paint-free these two are...HOW DO THEY DO IT?!?)   Comon' you two...Liz and I are DYING to know!

And here they are "en mass" IS a Beautiful Thing....isn't it Hayward?  Well personally, I can't think of anything prettier...

...lastly, below center...panel no. 65.  Still incomplete mind you, but lookin' good and sure to be finished this week before I leave for a 4-day Art Festival previously committed to (sigh)  I've said it before and I'll say it again, these walls have a life of their own, and it is only our privilege to share it with them for a short (?) while-

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog today! They have all been great, but it's wonderful to see your crew in action. And that stylish duo definitely need to give tips. I could never look that good near paint! Praying for all of you as you make your way to completion. PIMof3
