Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a Family Affair

3.5 Panels in 4 days?  We need BACK-UP!  Matt Bidwell came down for 4 days and
 Wendy Lundberg drove 5 hours north to lend a creative hand for 3....Thanks to their
patience and incredible fortitude (45 degrees on average) I am still stunned to share
that...WE DID IT!
(and my personal thanks to Deanna Abreu who hiked up here to take this "crazy frozen foto"!)

Okay now, try to stay with me here....remember the Wise ol' Barn Owl?  Well, in panel #13, he loses a few feathers which, as the story goes-(hey, "my owl, my story") turn, quite magically, into quill pens out from which flow forth letters, words and verse...from agriculture to academics...sweet.
(This week was brought to you by the letter "A")

...coming to rest at yet another

You'll note that the owl flies off the frame to the right, while the letters from the quill pens then become books which "fly" throughout  "remembrances" of Elementary and High School ...

Once again...and I cannot say this often enough-
Thank You, EVERYone, for your kind thoughts, encouragement and support...Wouldn't want to be on this trip without you-


  1. Oh, this is one my favorite transitions yet! Beautiful panels as usual. I am so glad things are moving along for you and I love the joy in your face. PIMof3

  2. Wow this looks wonderful! What a great job with your helper bees. Keep up the great work. Jcj
