Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Arts

 Hayward is (incontestably) "Home" to a number of artists and from a truly wide variety of mediums...the next 40' of the Wall then, is dedicated to both the visual as well as the performing "Arts"-
 Above, you'll note the allusion to dance, voice and panel #21 moves into #22, we represent film, painting, sculpting and theater...

The only problem being, however, that the rains which began Saturday night and continued throughout Sunday, cut us 3 hours short of you'll have to tune in again next week for panel #22.  At that point, however, my "personal goal" is to also present panel numbers 23 & 24 well!

 (Gotta LOVE those telephone poles...)

There is absolutely NO way we would be this far without the incredible "energy" of some pretty special friends...a MOST sincere "Thank You" to Liz Bathgate for her commitment to "the grey scale"...she covered a LOT of Wall'll understand more when you see the completed panel about patience!  (AND a healthy snack for a change!  Thanks for the Tangerines, Liz!)

1 comment:

  1. Ah... the arts. I am partial to the dance of course, but it's all gorgeous and has a rightful spot on the "Wall". Blessings to you and your crew, my friend. PIMof3
