Friday, December 24, 2010

Making Hay while the Sun Shines!

The "Transition" idea here, is for the hay from the loft of the barn (at left), along with the brown grasses of the field, to begin to take flight, become feathers and create the barn owl, which will naturally transition into...well...
(these puns just simply have to stop...don't they?....ahhhhh, don't hold your breath)  So, the sun finally shown and so did I, well, I "showed up" in any panel no. 12 is finished, with the slight exception of the lower right corner which will provide the transition into "lucky" panel no.13 which will begin to appear tomorrow 12/24.  Mother Nature is setting the schedule, Tony (from the City of Hayward) has everything "sealed" and Matt has been keeping me "focused"...poor guy never bargained for THAT job - Merry Christmas! ...and God Bless Us EVERY one!  Catch you all in 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Count the middle kidlet as a fan. You got her with the owl. Loves the owl. Beautiful detail as usual. The transition is wonderful. Here's to warm, sunny days for you. PIMof3
