Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Cork heard 'round the World (well, at least the County!) Panels 18, 19 AND 20 are FINISHED! We have hit the 1/3 Completion Mark...WhoooooooooHooooooooo!


...and so, as the "Graduates" struggle beneath yet ANOTHER patch of ivy...

...they rise to their feet(?)
...only to bid adieu to those who brought them here to reveal the wonders of Hayward

(and note how quickly the panels are being "sealed"! - kidding!  kidding! kidding!)
Sun or no - the Wall is "cold"...too cold to seal....and so, we continue to be ever so grateful to those who have shown the work such respect, and we wait...

And how 'bout those Volunteers?  A day at the Track(s) isn't exactly a Day at the Park...
John and Kathy Ries showed up this past Saturday and "cleared" at least 1,200 sq. ft. of "Wall"...


in the course of about 6 hours...If I've said it once, I've said it about 100 times (to anyone who'll listen..).the process of creating art is NOT a "glamorous" endeavor!  Just ask Kathy and John!  We could NEVER Thank you two enough for all of the Spirit and "green waste"  you left behind-
You are the best- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

...and as for panel #21 and beyond...
Once I've finished this bottle of Champagne (Thank You Jackie),
"We'll Be Back!"

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Beautiful, beautiful. Love the ivy. So thankful you have such happy help! PIMof3
