Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reality Check

...and so...after that lovely article by Eric Kurhi of the Daily Review...I step out this morning...into this...times 3...that's right, 9  9'X20' panels (9!) covered in this stuff...they came within 1 inch of panel #24 (which obviously wasn't finished today)...but WE WERE NOT STOPPED!
Here is panel #22...which highlights the visual arts...

accompanied by the only "tuxedo type birds" indigenous to No. Calif. - the Black Phoebe
(well seriously, who else would be appropriate for an Art Opening???)

....while Bob, Liz and Osea began panels no. 25 & 26!

...and then "They" arrive...a MOST wonderful foursome of volunteers.... Carol and Liz destroyed the vandalism...

Meanwhile panel no.s 24, 25 &26 await their debut, ALL three are in full swing (may they not be tagged) and should be finished by the end of next week.

They dampened my Spirits (the taggers) but not for long....for diligence and determination are going to win this thing...WE promise (trust me, this is one determined group of volunteers!)
....and quite frankly...THE BEST there is-

 ...and then there's THIS photo...
I include it simply because, well,
I LOVE these people!

You simply never know who is going to
 "happen by" and "make it happen"....

Today was one of those days-

1 comment:

  1. The tagging is a sad reality of life, I suppose. We see it far too often around here. I am sorry the Wall was touched by it. But, oh how wonderful to have people come to help! So glad for that. Be strong, my friend. PIMof3

    A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing. ~ William Dobell.
