Sunday, February 27, 2011


With four new panels  "in progress", I've been "anxious" to say the least, as none of them can be sealed until completed (I do have a bad habit of over-stating the obvious....don't I?)

So, since it NEVER DID SNOW in San Francisco this weekend, I took full advantage of the blessed sunny (albeit 48 degree) weather and was fortunate to complete Nos. 27 & 28.  Here ya go!

(above) the Sulphur Creek Nature Center accompanied by a few "residents".  This wonderful facility has been a temporary shelter and rehab for some pretty amazing animals....and let's hear it for the equally amazing volunteers and staff who make nothing short of miracles happen here-

(at right) the San Mateo Bridge along with it's most prevalent visitors....the Brandt Cormorant.
Keep those digits crossed dear friends as I'll attempt nos. 29 & 30 over the next 2 days...(toes, by the way, also count as digits)

1 comment:

  1. The lad and I decided to check out the blog before he headed to bed. These panels made him very happy. He enjoyed naming every animal and enlarging the pictures to look at the detail. Beautiful as always. So glad the weather cooperated--rain and snow(?) wise that is. All digits are crossed to the best of my ability. March on! PIMof3
