Sunday, May 29, 2011


The Home Team
Yes, I have a dog (his name is Jack, and he has LOTS of "friends")
this particular bunch just had a bath-

What a trip this has been...roughly 8,376 sq. ft put to bed, and a meager 2,176 sq. ft. awaiting the creative hands of my most awesome crew...really, what a bunch.  Want to join us?  Give me a call!  Seriously!  (com' a part of something "Big")...Seriously, This IS "BIG"
 So.  Nos. 49 & 50...hmmmm Guess you could call #49 something of a triptych, as there are three panels wrapped around a most lovely Oak Tree - Depicting the High Loop Trail of Garin Park...(complete with the Cliff Swallow - The soon to be "Official Bird"of the City of Hayward
Still, there's the issue of those cows.. 
I double-dare you to check 'em out for
yourself!  Their eyes DO follow you!

No. 50, completes the "depicted"
features of the Hayward Area Parks
Department - rounding it out  with
Jordan Pond (left)

Happy Trails my friends.

And we'll see you NEXT week!

Your most ever humble servant,
(and havin' a blast as such)


  1. These paintings are so good, Very clear and neat work done by artist. Great job.

  2. Good work, my friend. I am partial to ducks, so I am digging that panel, but they are all beautiful. The lad, of course, is smiling at the birds. So wish I could join your crew for a day or two... I am there in spirit! Love, PIMof3
