Sunday, January 16, 2011

I know what you're thinking and the answer is..."no"

So, it rained Thursday...I mean it really came down.  I am pleased to report however that not unlike the U.S. Postal Service, we stayed out  there for 5 hours, three of which, we were "soaked to the skin".  We could still shovel rocks and draw (graphite doesn't run!) did, setting up 4 more panels which should enable us to hit the 1/3 mark next week (weather of course, permitting)...and that, will be a day of Great Joy.  In the meantime, #17 has been completed as all of the birds and paintbrushes prepare to return to The Great Unknown from whence they came....(only to return again in #21).

Apologies for the muted "color", but I'm usually not far enough along to photograph until 4:30 - 5:00pm.

As for the "Fantasia" element here, all I can say is:

"There are those who find inspiration in the Genius of Walt Disney, and those who lie".

Be patient, just needed a bit of "whimsy"...the Realist shall return in panel #20. Meanwhile, your kindness and obvious good humor are greatly appreciated!
(the Accidental Muralist)

1 comment:

  1. Oh! These are terrific! The lad is digging the birds. "More birds" was actually what he said when I showed him the mural pics today. You rock as always. Love and hopes of good weather to you, PIMof3
