Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week #4 burrrrrrrr

Here are the finishing touches on 7 and 8.Numbers 9 and 10 are under construction and too goofy for you to see, at this point.  Rains have been a severe delay, but Tony has been so very kind to seal everything up to this point.

Keep thinking Sun.

Tools of the Trade


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hey way too go. looks like your on a great way..
    keep up the good work and stay warm....JCJ

  3. Looking good. Not fond of thinking "sun", but for you, my friend, I will. (PIMof3)

  4. Here comes the is good, and you are so amazing,as are the pictures that you have shared. Know that I am with you with every brush stroke. Sending you warmth, strength and courage to believe in yourself. Lay the wall down and think of it as a path on your journey to becoming you.
