Monday, June 27, 2011


What a week.  BEAUTIFUL weather, yes?!  So, no surprise that the A Team pulled together yet again, driving and BARTing in from Los Gatos, Berkeley, Chico and the local area, to complete another two panels and get about 1/2 way through a third....these people are far more beautiful than the weather we 've enjoyed these past 5 days-

Looky - waaaaaay down Jackson....THERE we are!

And NO panel has gotten quite the "treatment THIS one did - Welcome to the Wall, Caspers Hot Dogs!!!
Local Muralist, Ricardo Lazo,
joined in as well.  What a treat to have an accomplished artist such as he, join the team!   It just keeps getting better!

Meanwhile, Matt kept on the task of leveling upcoming panels.  We tried a number of new products as well as a few "creative application techniques" thanks to Matt and we DO believe we have found a way to make the efforts of these last few panels FAR more "smooth" than the last 59.

So, here we have the "Community Picnic" panel, an expression of Hayward's fantastically "ethnically diverse"

...and this panel would NEVER have been completed without the generous efforts of Porschia...what an amazing young lady.  ALWAYS "shows up" when you need's like she's got some sort of Mural Zen thing going on...hey, don't knock it - she's THERE!  (here?)
...ahhhh at last, the Famous Caspers Hot Dogs - at home in Hayward since 1934...1934!?!
( I MAY want to play around with that tree just a bit longer though...hmmmmm)

So, I'll See ya around NEXT week my friends, when we attempt to bring the Library to life here with panel no. 60.
Stay tuned then, as the Great Wall of Hayward continues to expand and explode with both creativity and COLOR

Sunday, June 19, 2011

OUR "Volunteers" ROCK!!!

I'm sorry, but I really can no longer claim this meandering mural "mine" in ANY is "Ours".  These past 5 days have been filled with folks lending a hand(s) both on and off Jackson street.  Before I show you the three new panels, I just have to shine a spotlight on...

Lisa Doyen - new recruit, but definitely NOT new to the paintbrush. 
 This wonderful gal "settles in" and gets the job DONE!
 Porschia showed up, jumped in. End of Story.

Carol and Ginny...ever-present when truly needed.  They have the experience and grand good humor to keep us all going-
Great asset to the team...GREAT! 

Huzefa, (an actual "resident" of Grand Terrace)
lent HIS skills in the "detail dept." assisting this very tired
"Whomever-I-Am" with all of the last minute touch-ups.
This fellow is WILD about "straight, smooth lines".
GOTTA love him!

Denise Garner made a rather surprise visit which turned into a fascination with trees.  I DO believe that she has found her niche!

...and here is the second panel of last weeks "Hayward Airport" double-panel piece

  Zaineb, right in line with her husband, managed to create a "process" by which one would complete the outlines of the various animals while the other filled in the missing spaces -worked QUITE well - I must admit.  I did Joy in witnessing the creativity!

Followed by the Hayward Animal Shelter, which has accomplished a great reputation for it's efforts in animal adoptions and overall, the true "Well-Fare" of SO many domesticated creatures.  Bravo Hayward Animal Shelter and Services!


....ummm I'll explain the presence of the Swallowtails NEXT week.  In the meantime, enjoy the sun, be at Peace and celebrate Life.

That's pretty much "it" - don't you think?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Guess I got to spinning one too many plates...

Kinda "missed" a week there - didn't I?  Well, the team  WAS indeed hard at work last week - as were they again this week.  Amazing bunch.  Our die-hard "regulars" and the welcome presence of 2 new volunteers really made for some great stuff...

So here are the three latest completed panels along Jackson.  Know that two more are each 75% complete as well, so next week ought to be an exciting one for all involved.  (Did I mention that someone reported us to the Police again? - I mentioned to the Officer that if this indeed were a"tag"...we'd have to get it into the Guinness Book!)   Thankfully, the man had a good sense of humor...

Hayward's Official "City Flower" - the Carnation
Just a bit of's always been my favorite as well-

The Ranch Restaurant - established in 1948 and still
thriving today @ the corner of Mission & Jackson

At left, is the first of a two-panel piece on the Hayward Airport.  (and note the "ghost images" of WWII planes filling in the background!) A Resident of the Grand Terrace Community asked if we'd feature it, provided the photographs and made a "timely" arrival today just as we were finishing up.  I am pleased to report that we have yet another "Happy Camper"
(way to go Wall-Wonders!)

So, 51, 52 & 53...
Life is Good